Friday, December 8, 2017

 I still think this is the best view of MachuPicchu. It was raining but the sun peeked through and gave us this incredible picture. Yes there is a trail to the top of that mountain behind and it is incredible.
 The guide looses track but he thinks there are around 1300 steps.
 We have been doing stairs in Cusco so Susan was in shape for the hike.
 MachuPicchu from HuaynaPicchu
Susan brothers came to visit a few weeks ago so we all went to MachuPicchu for a visit. When I went with my brothers we saw the trail to HuaynaPicchu and I have wanted to do it ever since. We got tickets and went up. Wow, what a view. We were all afraid of the trail but it is worse then it looks. Not that you would want to trip or anything. Anyway it is incredible.

1 comment:

  1. As always in mision Cusco: the adventures never end. FELIZ NAVIDAD!!

    We made it to Macchu Picchu once, but never to the top of Huayna Picchu, I've heard it's more treacherous than Angels' Landing in Zion NP.

    A couple of things in Cusco that are fun: There is a few days where all the "country people" come to the Plaza de Armas to sell greenery for the crechés, and other Navidad related items, including underwear for baby Jesus in every size. And, as soon as Navidad is over, every vendor in the city is selling yellow underwear, for good luck in the new year. The city-wide fireworks on Christmas eve, midnight, are spectacular, be sure to get a rooftop to watch from.
